12 millions hectares of arable land
are lost each year due to desertification.
Let’s understand why and explore together
an « Oasis of Solutions »

The fresco

The desertification fresco is a fun, educational, positive workshop in the form of a card game that mobilizes collective intelligence to raise participants' awareness of the fight against desertification, drought and land degradation.

For who ?

All audiences, students, businesses, organizations, communities.

How long does this last?

2h30 on average

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A game in 4 steps to action

  • 1

    Construction of the fresco

    Participants discover the causes and consequences of desertification by constructing a fresco materializing the existing links between the 26 cards in the game.

  • 2


    Participants discover the existence of successful projects to combat desertification and wonder about the ingredients necessary for their success.

  • 3


    Participants take advantage of 20 different existing solutions to combat desertification in a fun way.

  • 4


    The group dives into a real case of desertification and puts in place a strategy to combat it.

Without making people feel guilty and through a shared understanding of the mechanisms at work, the Fresco engages individuals in a constructive exchange.
During the workshop, existing solutions to combat desertification are explored, which gives the workshop a positive note and brings hope to the participants, while creating the desire to act.


Fruit of the partnership between Sand to Green & the Presidency of COP15 Desertification


The Desertification Fresco is the result of the partnership between Sand to Green and the Presidency of COP15 Desertification.

Created in October 2023, the Desertification Fresco has become the reference tool that allows individuals and organizations to take ownership of the challenges of desertification and drought.

The Desertification Fresco is a workshop that mobilizes collective intelligence to raise participants’ awareness of the fight against desertification, drought and land degradation.

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Data reliability

The Desertification Fresco is based on data from studies or scientific reports whose recommendations guide political and economic decisions on a global scale: FAO, UNCCD, IPCC, etc.

The fresco and its solutions were validated by scientists from the CGIAR, guaranteeing the reliability of the information present on the maps and their links.

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